Chapter 13
Essential Information About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 is a great chapter! It allows you to send a payment to a Chapter 13 trustee each month, who then disburses those funds to your creditors based only on what they are entitled to receive--It does NOT mean your creditors will be paid in full. It also protects you from your creditors while in the case and discharges nearly all remaining balances owing at the end of your case.
The discharge in Chapter 13 covers many debts that cannot be discharged in a Chapter 7.
It is a great option for you if you want to keep your assets but get out of your current financial situation and pressure.

While there are Many reasons people choose to file a Chapter 13, a few common ones are when:
Other great things about Chapter 13
There are procedures where you can get approval from the court to purchase things like a home or automobile that are not available in a Chapter 7 (we have never had the court deny our request to purchase a home or car while a client of ours was in their Chapter 13 case).
Additionally, you are not stuck in a Chapter 13. You can amend your case as your life and circumstances change. There is a lot of flexibility in a Chapter 13, it’s up to you!