
Michael Matthews: A Compassionate and Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney
My bankruptcy practice concentrates on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases and debt settlement.
I believe that financial pressure can be one of the most overwhelming pressures a person can experience.
Those experiencing financial pressure need someone to assure them that things can and will get better and assist them in resolving their financial issue(s). My practice and client’s success comes from helping thousands of people like you, many years of knowledge, experience, and compassion—never had a bankruptcy case not get approved! In the bankruptcy world, we call that a FRESH START.
Prior to becoming an attorney, I owned businesses, was the global sales manager of a 100+-million-dollar company, and worked for one the world's largest law firms. Additionally, I have and continue to consult with hundreds of business owners. As a result, I have a unique business background that enables me to understand the fluidity and challenges of business ownership.
While in law school and after, I worked for Senior Federal Judges, which gave me insight and experience in the inner workings of Federal Judges and Federal Courts (Bankruptcy is Federal Court).
I have had and continue to have a unique and successful professional life. Additionally, I have a wonderful wife and son. Both make me proud and happy every day.